Sunday morning we were at Niagara falls, a two hour drive from Toronto, what caught my eye was the mist that gives an illusion of cloud formation. You get sprayed by it from miles. We took the famous maid of the mist ride which takes you close to the horse shoe fall. We spotted hundred of seagulls nesting around the rocky terrains of the river. Our drive back home was thought interstate highways so we did not pass through the villages but we did drove along lake Erie that looked liked an ocean glistering in the afternoon sun. It is one of the four great lakes in north east of US along with lake Ontario, lake Superior and lake Michigan.
I recently discovered that our apartment is on Virgina Maryland border with Potomac river being the natural border running parallel to Ashburn. Thanks to google earth and all the latest navigation systems it's a great feeling to know a bit of geography of the place you live/visit.